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The crime and gendarmerie museum Scharnstein

Das Historicum Scharnstein
Scharnstein, Austria

The Austrian Ciminal Museum documents the history of the Austrian justice and security system from the late Middle Ages to the present day in more than 20 showrooms at the Scharnstein Castle. In the vaults of the castle, where the regional court was located from 1584 to 1848, the court proceedings of the past but also torture and execution of punishment are presented through numerous exhibits. The original torture chamber provides insight into the practice of historical justice. The past and present of the gendarmerie is also documented in an extensive and impressive form, as well as spectacular criminal cases that were brought to a clarification through the gendarmerie. The uniforms, equipment and apparatus of this traditional police force are also presented in detail since its establishment in 1849. The development of the police, the judiciary and prison system up to the present day, forensic medicine, capital punishment and famous criminal cases also complement the subject matter and the extensive display area. Another exhibition section presents modern equipment and policing as well as famous cases of recent times. The centrepiece of this section is the car of a Turkish embassy official destroyed in a terrorist attack in front of the Turkish Embassy in Vienna in 1984.

Schlossberg 12
4644 Scharnstein